RNUG Lotus User Group (www.vlaad.lv)

    v11 HTTP Rule bug and workaround

    Vladislav Tatarincev  25 February 2020 09:39:52
    One way to improve HTTP application is to cache different objects, like CSS, JPG , .JS files.
    To do so you must create a HTTP Header rule.

    Image:v11 HTTP Rule bug and workaround
    I always do this when improve performance of HTTP, but in v11 I tried and I got error message, that "Expiration days is required"

    Image:v11 HTTP Rule bug and workaround
    I opened case with HCL support and they confirmed issue, and next day I got info that it will be fixed in 11.0.1 under  SPR # SPPPBLXKG9
    Meanwhile workaround is to do the following

    1. Open names.nsf\pubnames.ntf in Designer.
    2. In Forms, select and edit the form "(Web Rule)"
    3. In the Basic tab of the "(Web Rule)" form, change the "Input Translation" of below two fields.
      a) Hdr_Ex_Days => Remove the current formula and update it with the below one.
    @If((MappingType = "4" & Hdr_Ex_En != "0" & Hdr_Ex_Opt = "0") | !@IsDocBeingSaved; @ThisValue; 5)
      b) Hdr_Ex_Date = > Remove the current formula and update it with the below one.
    @If((MappingType = "4" & Hdr_Ex_En != "0" & Hdr_Ex_Opt = "1") | !@IsDocBeingSaved; @ThisValue; @Tomorrow)
    4. Once done, save & close the form.


    1RINA   26/12/2024 4:58:20  KK

    "Šis raksts sniedz vērtīgus padomus par HTTP lietotnes uzlabošanu, izmantojot kešošanu. Lai uzzinātu vairāk, <a href='https://jakarta.telkomuniversity.ac.id/en/business-model-canvas-capital-for-directed-business-success/'>klikšķiniet šeit</a>."
