RNUG Lotus User Group (www.vlaad.lv)

    Domino Web Access Warning. Sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time. If you are unable to continue working in your mail file, please dismiss this warning and then select View, Refresh from your browser’s menu.

    Vladislavs Tatarincevs  27 February 2008 18:23:16
    kādu laiku atpakaļ ielogojos Domino lai lasītu savu pastu,
    pamanīju ka WebAccess ik pēc 15-20 sekundēm met kļūdu %SUBJ%.

    jocīgi, bet uz Domino kādu laiku nekādus patčus nelikām, attiecīgi Domino pusē nekas netika mainīts.

    Ka izrādījās, tā ir Firefox 2.x problēma,          
    Several Domino Web Access features do not work with Firefox  http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21289700

    IBM teechnote saka, ka vajag pieprasīt HotFix no IBM, bet īstenībā failu http.conf uz Domino servera nepieciešams papildināt ar sekojošo rindiņu:
    AddType .jar application/java-archive # Java Archive
    Pēc tam nepieciešams resartēt HTTP un iNotes strādās bez problēmām.
     Image:Domino Web Access Warning. Sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time. If you are unable to continue working in your mail file, please dismiss this warning and then select View, Refresh from your browser’s menu.
