RNUG Lotus User Group (www.vlaad.lv)

ECL - Execution Control List, make your life easier

Vladislavs Tatarincevs  30 May 2008 09:54:16

ECL was introduced in Lotus Notes long time ago.
But still many companies does not have a right implementation of it.

Users continue to press  "Trust Signer"  buttons all the time the Execution alert appears.

If you want to FIX this, go to Domino Directory, Edit Administration ECL.

Image:ECL - Execution Control List, make your life easier

In this ECL add All Servers, and Users with whom you are going to sign a design.
DONT ADD GROUPS, this will not work,
ECL will work based on public/private key check , design will whether person who signed a design element is the same.

So don't try to cheat Lotus Notes, creating Lotus Notes Template Development/Lotus Notes ID,
your ID will have different pair of keys private/public, so this won't work.

Good practice is to create user like TEMPLATE DEVELOPMENT/ORGANIZATION NAME, you can grant all access to this user

Image:ECL - Execution Control List, make your life easier

If you are running Lotus Notes 6.x you can push ECL changes to workstations with Security Settings.
Be AWARE, save this document under ID who was mentioned in ECL as a person, with ACCESS to WORKSTATION SECURITY ECL.

Update Frequency set to "When Admin ECL changes", this is an optimal one.

If you have right ACL your hands are free, you can put any script in users mailboxes and they will work,

For example, before every migration I do on customer side, I gather statistics,
Version of Lotus Notes client,
Location of client,
location of DATA directory,
how much memory workstation has,
how much free space on HDD.

this will help you to run migration smoothly. ;)


Image:ECL - Execution Control List, make your life easier

Here are couple links, that are valuable :)

Staying alert with Execution Control Lists
Image:ECL - Execution Control List, make your life easierhttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/ls-ECLs/

Staying alert with Execution Control Lists (ECL risk levels sidebar)
Image:ECL - Execution Control List, make your life easierhttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/ls-ECLs/side2.html
